Thursday, November 12, 2009


You can click onto the picture above to get to larger version of the above picture.

Okay if you notice the person trying to talk to you has ALOT USER NOT AVAILABLE or what some would say are Cyber sluts on their friends list, CONGRATULATIONS you've Found an AirG PEDOPHILE!

Look at the above screenshot of the 2nd page of UrEvil_intetions friends list.

He has 84 MINORS aka USER NOT AVAILABLE Pros ON HIS Friends list and at least 35 Cyber Sluts between His 2 Pros I found

His friends list is MAINLY a list of either minors aka User not available profiles or are kinky young girls.*

He claims its not wrong to be friends with kids that young (Shudders) Sounds like a Michael Jackson defense to me!! You know the video where Jackson said his Kids still slept with him in his bed. Just PLAIN FUCKING WRONG!!

By the way, He also has another Screen Name The_Evil_within.

*Please Note However Not ALL of his Friends on his Friends list Are Minors or Freaky young Girls. I'm sure some of the women on his list are nice "normal" women who may not know what that User Not Available means that he's friends with Underage Minors ages 13 or 14 years old.

HIS OWN WORDS ON These Girls Profiles

Areli-17 profile comment page (the girl looks to be 17 if that )
The_Evil_within "Vry hot sexy beautiful u should be on a poster in a bikini pinnd up on my wall vry hot&sexy id like 2 take u home & play w u in my bed"-Weeks ago

Babygurl17-12 profile comment page
The_Evil_within "Vry hot sexy beautiful u should be on a poster in a bikini pinnd up on my wall vry hot&sexy"-Weeks ago

lil_pet14 profile comment page
The_Evil_within "This is my sexy lil girl respect her &be nice 2 her she taken by me daddy loves u sweety mwa"-Weeks ago

Yunginnocnt4dady profile comment page By the Way this chick had this in her pro ---> Status: if u ever fantasize tongn a yung li kitty pm
The_Evil_within "This is 1 hot girl mmm"-Weeks ago

BTW Only Babygurl17-12 will show up if you do a search for their Screen names. I'm assuming the reason the others don't show up now is because the pros are close to being gone from AirG or are under the age of 14.


If you know of any more KNOWN PEDOPHILES on AirG, Drop me a note here or comment on this Article. Let's bring these disgusting people out into the light of day!
Or better yet send their Profile screen names to


  1. Hi FreeSpiritChick,

    I want to thank you for your post. The person that you've identified has been permanently banned from the service, and the mobile phone used has been banned permanently as well. We take these issues very seriously, which is why we maintain a direct contact with the authorities and work very closely with them to help them investigate and address these types of circumstances if they ever arise. If you encounter any more situations like this, please do not hesitate to make a report directly to us, or contact me directly. We can investigate and take the appropriate action with the authorities much faster. Thanks again for your help!

    airG Customer Service

  2. i want to go into airG i have a profile but i cant im on a computer helllo ineed help!!!!!!!

  3. how do i get on airg from my computer??

  4. I can identify with that. I came across two men that are with the law, they are always in the XUncensoredX room, looking for young teenage girls to service them, as young as 12 and 13. It really is disgusting.

  5. what is the site of airg in computer need help pls

  6. Who do you report AirG abuse to?


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