I was asked recently how to make the status message on your AirG Profile longer? Well unfortunately I believe that you can only make your status message 60 characters long. One way to make sure your message will fit into your Status is to write it down on paper making sure to count the number of letters, spaces, and any punctuation.
Here's a Screen shot of a SN I made to test this theory BTW I was using the Iphone web address http://iphone.airg.ca/ to do this experiment.
WARNING:You should always be careful WHAT you put in your Status because AirG DOES look at that and can censor it or lock you out of AirG!
Chuckles for example I once changed my Boyfriend's Status to At work scratching my xASSx waiting to get off of work
LMMFAO He got locked out of AirG for an hour and when he was able to get onto AirG he had a note from the "Censors" saying to remove the inappropriate message in his Status part!
Here's some suggestions of WHAT to put in your Profile Status 1. What Mood you're in Right this minute (happy, sad, impatient, excited) 2. Show your love for your Boyfriend/Girlfriend 3. Tell your friends Happy Holidays 4. Let people know a surprising fact about you 5. Share your view about politics/the world/ hell just about anything
But than again its YOUR Profile Status Put EXACTLY what you want to put in your Status.
I just love reading people's profiles like this chick's Itsmesnitches and seeing them claiming to be the MOST HATED? This Is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM HER COMMENT PAGE
Itsmesnitches How can someone be despised by so many wow 4 hours ago
Pfffttt Wow With only 10 Damn Comments on her page she gonna claim she's sooooo Despised
You can click onto the picture above to get to larger version of the above picture.
Okay if you notice the person trying to talk to you has ALOT USER NOT AVAILABLE or what some would say are Cyber sluts on their friends list, CONGRATULATIONS you've Found an AirG PEDOPHILE!
Look at the above screenshot of the 2nd page of UrEvil_intetions friends list.
He has 84 MINORS aka USER NOT AVAILABLE Pros ON HIS Friends list and at least 35 Cyber Sluts between His 2 Pros I found
His friends list is MAINLY a list of either minors aka User not available profiles or are kinky young girls.*
He claims its not wrong to be friends with kids that young (Shudders) Sounds like a Michael Jackson defense to me!! You know the video where Jackson said his Kids still slept with him in his bed. Just PLAIN FUCKING WRONG!!
By the way, He also has another Screen Name The_Evil_within.
*Please Note However Not ALL of his Friends on his Friends list Are Minors or Freaky young Girls. I'm sure some of the women on his list are nice "normal" women who may not know what that User Not Available means that he's friends with Underage Minors ages 13 or 14 years old.
HIS OWN WORDS ON These Girls Profiles
Areli-17 profile comment page (the girl looks to be 17 if that ) The_Evil_within "Vry hot sexy beautiful u should be on a poster in a bikini pinnd up on my wall vry hot&sexy id like 2 take u home & play w u in my bed"-Weeks ago
Babygurl17-12 profile comment page The_Evil_within "Vry hot sexy beautiful u should be on a poster in a bikini pinnd up on my wall vry hot&sexy"-Weeks ago
lil_pet14 profile comment page The_Evil_within "This is my sexy lil girl respect her &be nice 2 her she taken by me daddy loves u sweety mwa"-Weeks ago
Yunginnocnt4dady profile comment page By the Way this chick had this in her pro ---> Status: if u ever fantasize tongn a yung li kitty pm The_Evil_within "This is 1 hot girl mmm"-Weeks ago
BTW Only Babygurl17-12 will show up if you do a search for their Screen names. I'm assuming the reason the others don't show up now is because the pros are close to being gone from AirG or are under the age of 14.
If you know of any more KNOWN PEDOPHILES on AirG, Drop me a note here or comment on this Article. Let's bring these disgusting people out into the light of day! Or better yet send their Profile screen names to www.PervertedJustice.com
You can click onto the pictures in the blog to see larger pictures :-)
Okay First of all Read my First article on this blog :-) Download the 3 downloads.
Now click onto your FireFox browser to start the browser.
Open a new tab and go to the pref button click onto the KEEP OUT Spoof.
Put airg.com into the web address to get to AirG chat rooms. The picture above shows the screenshot of the AirG log in page.
You can log in one of two ways. #1 You can click onto the login button. OR #2 You can click onto the Mail button.
Either way you will see the following screen asking for your user name. Simply type your Screen name like you would on your cell phone.
You will than hit enter to get to the screen asking you for your password. It will look like this screenshot I made of a SN YouCanTBeMe I just made.
You than use your normal password into the password part and hit enter to get onto AirG Chat. The screen name password has been ******ed out of course for this screenshot. :-)
Your password will of course show up the normal way. :-)
When you hit enter, you will be on AirG and be able to go to any of the normal or user rooms that you want to visit. :-)
Of course if you want to comment on my blog go for it :-) Just KNOW that ALL of the comments are reviewed by ME before they are posted :-)
Thanks again and follow the blog or be sure to check out my Ehow article. :-)
ros & Cons of using an emulator to get onto AirG Chat rooms
Okay I have to admit I'm getting older and more set in my ways. I did search for cell phone emulators or simulators as they are called sometimes. To tell you the truth I wasn't particularly impressed with any that I used.
The following emulators I tried and the pros and cons that I found using them. :-)
#1 Wapsilon Emulator
Directions to get onto the Wapsilon is as follows:
Go onto your normal browser (Foxfire, Internet Explorer....Whatever browser you want to use really. Type in the web address http://wapsilon.com/
Once you are on there, you will type in Airg.ca into the web addy part.
Now just sign in like you would normally on your cell phone. :-)
This is what I'm using temporarialy. :-)
#2 Mini Opera Demo at http://www.opera.com/mini/demo/
Directions to get onto the Mini Opera demo is as follows:
Go onto your normal browser (Foxfire, Internet Explorer....Whatever browser you want to use really. Type in the web address http://www.opera.com/mini/demo/
Once you are on the demo, you will type in Airg.ca into the web addy part.
Now just sign in like you would normally on your cell phone. :-)
YES The simulators did get me to my normal AirG Chat rooms I love to frequent.
I had no trouble going from my private mail and back to the rooms I visited.
It was distracting to me not to have the blinking curser at the end of the sentence as I typed.
The emulator screen SUCKED :-s It was way too small for what I was used to being on normally. Yes you can use control and the + sign to make the screen larger.
Directions to get onto the DotMobi mobile phone emulator is as follows:
Type in your .com / .net / .org / .biz, etc., site address and you can check how your site looks to a typical mobile phone user.
Go Online. It doesn't matter what web browser you use for this procedure. So far it has worked on every browser i can think of.
In order to access this mobile website, you must first find what is called an "online mobile website emulator". In your address bar, type in "http://mtld.mobi/emulator.php" Press Enter.
Once you get to the emulator, to the right of the mobile phone, type "airg.ca" in the mini
address bar. Submit. You must type it in EXACTLY as it says. Otherwise you will be denied access.
IMPORTANT: If you are using Foxfire, you should NOT spoof as KEEP OUT but should use one of the other spoofs instead.
YES The simulators did get me to my normal AirG Chat rooms I love to frequent.
I had no trouble going from my private mail and back to the rooms I visited.
It was distracting to me not to have the blinking curser at the end of the sentence as I typed.
The emulator screen SUCKED :-s It was way too small for what I was used to being on normally. Yes you can use control and the + sign to make the screen larger.
Null is the only thing you can type if you are in the KEEP OUT Spoof mode.
Even in other spoof modes, you have to erase the Null to be able to type your responses in room and in your private mail also.
Shrugs I would rather use my "normal" way of getting onto AirG that I describe in my first article but since it was brought up I figured I would let YOU decide which is the best way for YOU to get onto AirG Chat from the computer.
These are only 2 of the available emulators, you can simply Googgle emulator or cell phone simulator to find more that might be more helpful for you to use.
I'll just stick to the way I KNOW will work for me. :-)
Haters mail is read, LAUGHED at,ERASED, and Forgotten!! I don't give a Damn bouts idiots like you, so waste your time trying to find me. Only way I'll believe is if you send me MY address. Bite me hard ..!.. >.< ..!..